
What to Eat to Reduce Creatinine 5 to Normal Range

What to eat to reduce creatinine 5 to normal range? Creatinine 5 is very high and if it can not be lowered down successfully, dialysis or kidney transplant will be needed in near future. Some foods are good for kidney, and some others may cause further decline of kidney function and further increase of serum creatinine level. Creatinine 5 indicates kidney failure, so what foods to eat to help kidney failure patients reduce creatinine 5 to normal range?
About foods with protein
Low-protein foods are suggested for kidney failure patients with creatinine 5. Protein is the basic of life, but for people who have kidney problem, eating too much protein will increase the workload of kidney, which may cause further increase of serum creatinine level. In addition, high quality protein like lean meat, fish, egg white and milk are suggested, but they need to limit the intake of it. In general, for patients with creatinine level 5. They are suggested to ingest 0.2-0.4 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight per day if they are not on dialysis.
Foods with carbohydrate
Foods with carbohydrate are also recommended for patients with high creatinine level. We need energy to supply our daily activity. Carbohydrate can provide us with necessary energy, so by eating some foods rich in carbohydrate, protein consumption will be reduced. Under such a condition, less wastes will be produced, which is very good for the recovery of residual kidney function and also the decline of creatinine level.

Lastly, a kidney-beneficial is very important for kidney failure patients whose serum creatinine level has increased to 5. A proper diet helps to protect residual kidney function and reduce workload, but one thing we need to understand is that serum creatinine level increases as kidneys can not remove excess creatinine from bloodstream, so if we really want to reduce creatinine 5 to the normal range, medical treatment is necessary.

Is Exercise Good for Kidney Failure Patients

Is exercise good for kidney failure? The answer is certain. Regular exercise can help you improve some of your symptoms and make you feel very well.
Health benefits of exercise for kidney failure
As a matter as fact, exercise helps you in various aspects. It helps lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol level, boost your energy, improve your poor appetite and poor sleeping quality, etc. Besides, exercises help improve blood filtration through the kidneys so that toxins and other waste products can be eliminated more efficiently. Besides, it improves blood circulation and other metabolic functions, which allows oxygen and essential nutrients to be transported more efficiently around the body, including your damaged kidneys. With enough oxygen and nutrients, your damaged kidneys can gradually repair themselves.
How to make an exercise plan for kidney failure patients?
When you make an exercise plan, you should take types of exercise, duration, frequency and intensity into consideration.
-Choose exercises, such as walking, jogging, swimming, bicycling, skiing, aerobic dancing, tai chi, and so on.
-Work toward 30 minutes sessions.
-Three days a week is the minimum requirement to achieve the benefits of your exercise.
-The intensity should be a comfortable level. You should start slowly to warm up and then pick up pace, then slow down again when you are to finish.
Before you start an exercise program, you had better consult your doctor to make sure that the exercise is right for your current medical condition. During exercise, if you feel shortness of breath, chest pain, dizzy, leg cramps or other unpleasant symptoms, you should stop exercise immediately.

If you would like to know more about healthy living of kidney failure, please feel free to contact us by leaving a message or contact online doctor for free help. 

Can Kidney Failure Patients Eat Almonds

Many people enjoy almonds. And they indeed do good for your health. But for renal failure patients, you should pay attention to your diet. Can renal failure patients eat almonds?
Nutrient value of almonds
Almonds are a great source of protein and fiber, calcium, vitamin E, magnesium and potassium. They are also high in healthy unsaturated fats and not the unhealthy saturated kind.
The reason why you can eat almonds with kidney failure
-Bone disease is a common complication of renal failure. The high content of calcium and magnesium in almonds can protect you from such disease.
-Heart disease is the most common cause of death for renal failure patients. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that defends your cells against damage on a daily basis and prevents artery clogging oxidation of cholesterol. Besides, magnesium is also critical in preventing heart attacks and hypertension.
-The damaged kidneys can not balance the acid-base properly in the body. It is prone for renal failure patients to suffer from acidosis. Almonds are the only nut and one of the few proteins that are alkaline forming.
-Almonds also lower the rise in blood sugar and insulin after meals.
The reason why you can not eat almonds with renal failure
-Almonds are high in potassium. 100 g almonds contains 705 mg potassium. If your kidneys are seriously damaged, they build up in the blood, resulting in abnormal heart rhythm, slow heart rate, weakness and so on. At the same time, it increases the burden on kidneys.
-Almonds are also rich in phosphorus. 100g almonds contains 484 mg phosphorus, too much of which will lead to skin itch for kidney failure patients.
-As the intake of almonds had increased, the prevalence of kidney stone will also increase.
-Allergy to almonds is actually rather common. If you are allergic to almonds, it is important to avoid almonds.

Whether you can eat almond or not should depend on your medical condition. If you would like to know yours, you can contact online doctor, or you can also leave a message below.

What Are the Harms of Getting PKD

What are the harms of polycystic kidney disease? Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a genetic kidney disease with numerous cysts formed on kidneys. PKD may lead to some complications, such as high blood pressure, vomiting, enlargement of kidneys, swelling, belly, etc. In addition, the dangers of polycystic kidney disease are more than that, we will introduce the harms in following article. http://a.eqxiu.com/s/U4evKGmy

What are the hazards of polycystic kidney disease?

1. Polycystic kidney disease patients often appear to varying degrees of complications, such as high blood pressure, nausea, vomiting and other discomforts.

2.  PKD patients with the process of increasing cysts may damage the kidney cells. It is a progressive kidney disease that patients may finally develop into kidney failure due to reduction of kidney function.
3. Many PKD patients didn’t aware of the dangers of getting this disease, so most of the patients can finally develop into kidney failure. When kidneys fail to work well, and there are too much toxins and wastes building up in blood, then patients may need to start dialysis to filter blood and remove wastes out. At this time, patients will pay attention.

From above, we can know the harms of getting PKD, so all of us need to pay attention, especially for the family who has genetic illness history of PKD. Keeping a well planed diet and take effective treatment to prevent enlargement of cysts are very important for patients. If you want to get more suggestions, you can leave a message below, or you can also contact online doctor for free help. 

Kidney Failure and Treatment Options

       Kidney failure can be a gradual process and symptoms may not be seen until the disease is very advanced. Kidney failure occurs when the kidneys are no longer able to remove waste and maintain fluid balance in the body. Without some form of treatment, this would result in death. Today, let’s learn the types of treatment for kidney failure patients.
The three types of treatment for kidney failure are dialysis, transplantation and Toxin-Removing Treatment.
There are two different kinds of dialysis: hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis. During hemodialysis, tubes connect the patient to a machine that filters the blood. Hemodialysis is usually done three times a week for 3-4 hours each time. It is usually done at a dialysis center, although in some cases families can be trained to do the treatment at home. People on hemodialysis must adhere to a strict diet, restrict their fluid intake and may feel unwell especially after dialysis.
Peritoneal dialysis uses the abdominal cavity membrane called the peritoneal membrane to filter the blood. During this type of dialysis, a tube is placed permanently into the abdomen. During treatment, a fluid called dialysate is infused into the abdominal cavity. Waste and extra fluid move into the dialysate and after a few hours, the fluid is drained out. This is called an exchange. Patients can do 4-5 exchanges per day, or the exchanges may be done at night with the help of a machine that cycles the exchanges while the person is sleeping.
Kidney transplantation is another option for people with chronic kidney failure. In a kidney transplant, the donated kidney is surgically placed in the lower abdominal area and replaces the function of the natural kidneys. The patient's own kidneys are usually left in place. The recipient of a kidney transplant must take medicine for the life of the transplanted kidney to prevent rejection. Kidney transplant recipients must also follow strict schedules for lab testing and doctor visits.
In addition, there are also the third options for kidney failure patients without dialysis or  kidney transplant, which is known as the Toxin-Removing Treatment, it is a systematic Chinese medicine treatment includes various Chinese therapies, such as foot bath, full bath, oral Chinese medicine, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Moxibstion, Steaming therapy, and so on. These therapies are mainly used to repair damaged renal cells and improve the ranal function, which can remedy the disease from root. Once the kidney function is improved, it can help prevent dialysis or kidney transplant for patients.

Above are the 3 treatment options for kidney failure patients, and patients need to chooce the certain treatment based on their own illness condition. If you want to learn more details, you can leave a message below, or contact online doctor for free help. http://a.eqxiu.com/s/U4evKGmy

In winter, there are two main factors that affect the recurrence of kidney disease

In winter, there are two main factors that affect the recurrence of kidney disease: infection and high blood pressure.
Nephropathy patients must prevent colds, avoid cold,keep warm, enhance immunity.
If you accidentally cold, do not just buy medicine based on experience. Because some cold medicine has some kidney toxicity.
When blood pressure continues to rise, the pressure increases, leading to the leakage of protein in the blood vessels into the urine, the leak of protein will affect the filtration function of the kidney. If the long-term blood pressure can’t be controlled, protein leakage increases, the damage to the kidneys also continued to increase lead to relapse of kidney disease. Patients need be well prepared to avoid recurrence of the disease.

Gout patient don’t should eat these things

Gout is one of the inflammatory arthritis, the incidence is relatively fast, often with joint swelling and fever. When we intake of purine foods in the body decomposition and metabolism in the process, it will produce uric acid. When the purine higher than the 420umol/L, at the same time with joint swelling and pain, this time we can diagnose gout. Gout patient don’t should eat these things: Drink; Meat, seafood; Pluck; Sweet beverage, juice.