
At What Creatinine Level Patients Need to Start Dialysis

What is the level of creatinine for dialysis? Serum creatinine level is an important indicator that can help to decide whether dialysis is needed or not for kidney failure patients. Dialysis helps to purify blood, which is very necessary for a kidney failure patient to live healthily. However, dialysis machine does not work as good as our kidneys. For patients with completely failed kidney, their survival rate decreases over time since the day they start dialysis. Though, choosing the proper time to start dialysis is very important. Well then, at what creatineine level is dialysis needed?
What is the level of creatinine for dialysis? Dialysis is usually suggested when creatinine level in blood is elevated to 5. Creatinine is a waste produced in the blood and normally discharged through kidney. For kidney failure patients, high creatinine level means their kidneys have lost their working ability and wastes in the blood can not be cleared away successfully. Under such a condition, aside from creatinine, many other wastes also build up in blood. Creatinine level helps to reflect how much toxins there are in blood.
Besides, although creatinine level in blood helps to decided when dialysis is required, but it is not the only one. Many kidney failure patients hold the idea that they need not to start dialysis unless their life is seriously damaged, as the longer time they do dialysis, the earlier they experience complications caused by improper dialysis or long-term dialysis.

Moreover, although dialysis is suggested when creatinine level in blood is as high as 5, it does not mean kidney failure patients must start dialysis when their serum creatinine level is elevated to such a level. In general, as long as they have no severe complications or discomforts like nausea, vomiting, itchy skin and serious fluid retention, dialysis can be delayed effectively. Moreover, dialysis is a method for kidney failure patients to keep alive, but it is not the only option. For people whose kidney is affected for some reason, they can try Toxin-Removing Treatment which can help them improve kidney function and thus achieve the goal of avoiding or delaying dialysis.

