With High Creatinine Level in Blood
are the signs and symptoms of high creatinine level? When creatinine level in
blood is higher than the range 0.5-1.3mg/dL, we can say there is high serum
creatinine level. Kidney disease is the most common cause for elevation of
creatinine level. For people who are living with kidney problem, high
creatinine level indicates there are lots of toxins in the blood and it is
always accompanied by a series of signs and symptoms. Today, we will give an
introduction about the most common signs and symptoms of high creatinine level.
is an organ with function of producing urine, excreting wastes, regulating
blood pressure, secreting hormone and keeping balance of fluid and electrolyte.
Creatinine is a waste produced in the body and normally discharged through
kidneys. Clinical studies show that serum creatinine level begins to increase
when about a half of kidney function is affected. Therefore, for patients with
high creatinine level associated with kidney problem, they usually have the
following signs and symptoms:
Digestive problems like poor appetite, nausea and vomiting
Foamy urine
Blood urine
Swelling or edema
Fatigue or tiredness
Skin problems like dry skin, yellow skin and itchy skin
Urine changes like frequent urination at night, decreased urine output and
High blood pressure
creatinine level reflects kidney condition. High creatinine level in blood
indicates kidneys are injured and kidney function is affected seriously, so it
is always accompanied with above mentioned signs and symptoms which actually
occur due to the decrease of kidney function. Therefore, for patients with high
creatinine level caused by kidney problem, if they want to remove these signs
or get these symptoms remitted radically, they must repair kidney damages to
restore kidney function. Recently, Chinese medicines have been proven to be
able to repair injured kidney intrinsic cells and thus improve kidney function,
so if you have not find an effective treatment that can help you lower your
creatinine level effectively, Chinese medicine is highly recommended. Leave
message below to get more information about how Chinese medicine treats
kidney disease.
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