
A check was diagnosed with uremia, you did not find these signals in advance?

There is such a group of unfortunate people, the first time to renal medicine treatment, was found uremia. When they panic, and generally will immediately ask the kidney doctor several "why ... ..."

In the eyes of the world, uremia is the life of the "end of the letter", although uremia is terrible, but early detection, it is possible to grasp the "reverse" opportunities.

Now to give you some of the early body of uremia signal, we must bear in mind the key!

Signal 1: Hypertension
Uremic patients with early varying degrees of hypertension. If there is high blood pressure combined with poor coagulation mechanism can lead to nose or bleeding gums, it is necessary to pay attention.

Signal 2: edema
Nephrotic patients will appear in the eyelid and ankle edema in the early, sometimes after the break will disappear, but once the emergence of systemic edema, the disease is not light, may not only early uremia!

Signal 3: face yellowing, drowsiness, fatigue
Uremic patients with toxins in the body, the patient will show the face of yellowing, but this is not iron deficiency anemia. And for drowsiness and fatigue, many young people say that the reasons for the work, especially after the break, they will be ignored.

Signal 4: Change in urine output
The patient's renal filtration function will decline, urine output will be reduced with the progress of the disease. However, even if the normal urine output at this time, but also because of the quality of urine itself, this time can not determine the quality of renal function.

Signal 5: Poor appetite
At this point the patient will appear uremic toxins and affect their digestive function, the beginning we do not pay attention, but once the disease progress, there will be such as abdominal nausea discomfort, nausea, vomiting, and even increased the number of stool phenomenon.

So then we talk about the prevention of uremia things.

Here, we do not elaborate attention to exercise, normal work and rest, optimistic attitude, regular physical examination, and we focus on the following points:

1, the prevention of infection
From the point of view of Chinese medicine, wind-heat, cold, damp heat, heat poison, rheumatism and evil will lead to the occurrence of nephritis, so we have to pay attention to changes in the weather, you should try to avoid rain and snow to go out.

2, caution with nephrotoxic drugs

Aminoglycoside antibiotics, such as vancomycin, amikacin and gentamicin, kanamycin, gentamicin and other antibiotics, easily lead to kidney damage, which have renal toxicity. So if so, do not use it! Or at least cautious!

