
Are frequent urination and urgent urination nephropathy? Let me teach you to distinguish.

Are frequent urination and urgent urination nephropathy? Let me teach you to distinguish.
First we should know that what is frequent urination and urgent urination?
Frequent urination: the number of urination is more than 6 times in a day and more than 2 times in a night, or more than 8 times during 24 hours.
Urgent urination: urination has a sense of urgency, you need to urinate immediately and cannot wait.
UTI (urinary tract infection): frequent urination but small amount of urination, accompanied by urinary urgency and urine pain.
Nephropyelitis: high fever, nausea, muscular stiffness, accompanied by urinary frequency and urgency.
Kidney stone: the renal area has acute renal colic and has hematuria, accompanied by urgent urination.

In fact, the frequent urination and urgent urination, most of them are not major diseases, you can be cured basically after conventional treatment in local hospital.

