
The best Kidney doctor is yourself ! Do 3 things to avoid uremia

Many Kidney disease patients know their conditions , the hospital puts itself in the hands of the doctor , to treat a doctor as someone who decides his or her life , if it deteriorates into a uremia , id to blame the doctor for not walking . In fact , every patient should take the initiative to participate in the management of Kidney disease , which is the key factor to determine the condition . Do you know how Kidney disease can save itself and keep it away from uremia ?http://e.eqxiu.com/s/eS3Rrz4R
一、Medications are administered
Familiar with side effects of drugs , drugs can not mess.
Kidney disease patients must understand three drug, understand the side effects of drugs on the drug is not to increase the sense of fear , but rather the correct use of drugs , such as eating hormone , it must be understood that hormone may cause infection , appearance change , insomnia and other side effects . Each kind of disease can speak of an antidote against can speak of an antidote against the disease . Do not eat the medicine to eat , have doubts on the medication , must first consult the nephrologist after use .
二、The management of indicators
Blood pressure , blood sugar , blood lipid
Blood pressure can usually be measured at home , blood sugar , blood lipids , it is best to check 1 times a year , keep within the required range.
Protein in urine
According to the severity of the illness , 1-3 months of follow-up , to maintain 1g/days , 0.5g/days is best .
Anemia is one of the complications of renal disease , patients should pay attention to anemia indicators and prevent anemia .
Kidney function
In 3 month s or so the charges in creatinine are stable . Both kidney disease and uremic factors are very important , so patients with Kidney disease must pay attention .

三、Life management
Kidney disease patients if appropriate exercise can not only enhance the ability to resist disease , maintain good mood , can also help to increase food intake , malnutrition , lack of protein induced muscle atrophy , there will be some improvement , low intensity exercise has a protective effect on the Kidney . Exercise can choose walking , jogging , Tai Chi and so on .
 In the absence of swelling and hypertension complications , the patient’s daily intake of salt was controlled at 4 grams , if there were any of these complications , the amount of salt should be controlled to be 2~3 grams . Excessive intake of protein can increase the burden on the kidneys . Patients should take high quality proteins , such as mike , eggs , lean meat and so on . Hyperkalemia is one of the common complications of renal failure . Severe cases may result in cardiac arrest and so must be very vigilant . In order to prevent hyperkalemia , the daily intake of potassium should not exceed 2 grams and be careful to eat high potassium foods .

Kidney disease does not mean that the terminally ill , with no need to be overly pessimistic , must recognize that part of the disease is life , it is necessary to learn to accept it and optimistic attitude and actively cooperate with medical treatment , as a result , the control of the illness can also help .

