
【Four simple and effective screening programs for kidney disease】

1.     For the patients with kidney disease, it is better for them if their blood pressure can achieve the 130/80mmHg, but it is best if the blood pressure can lower than 120/80.
2.     It reminds that the kidney has damaged if the protein in urine continues to exceed the standard. Normally the albumin creatinine should less than 30mg/g.
3.     If the kidney function has damaged, the serum creatinine will increase. The normal serum creatinine is 53—106umol/l, different people have some differences.

4.     The doctor will calculate the GFR( glomerular filtration rate) according to the checker’s serum, age, sex and race, it is normal if the values is more than 90.http://e.eqxiu.com/s/eS3Rrz4R

